30 Days Wild Pan-species Challenge: Final Day!

I’ve done it; I’ve had one pan-species lifer per day for the last month for 30 days wild. I started the month on 1437 species, and I end the month on 1546. Now, I know what your’re thinking, “That’s a gain of 109 species, not 30?!?!” Well, this increase includes all the times I had too many lifers to identify/blog about in one day, and it also includes identifications of species found in other months.

We started on an ant-lion and we end on yet another moth. This time a macro; this Small Yellow Wave which I found fluttering around a copse on the edge of my village, fortunately it settled long enough for a picture.


Small Yellow Wave

I doesn’t look that yellow in this photo but is still a very pretty moth, quite a nice ender, at least its a macro!


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